1977 October - The Ring Magazine - Muhammad Ali vs. Jimmy Young and Ken Norton (96 Page Special Edition)

1977 October - The Ring Magazine - Muhammad Ali vs. Jimmy Young and Ken Norton (96 Page Special Edition)
Item# newitem536455264
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Item Description

Date - September 1977

The Ring Magazine

Cover Subjects - Ken Norton vs. Muhammad Ali, Jimmy Young vs. Muhammad Ali

Some of the interior articles, fights and fighters featured or pictured include:

"The Heavyweight Who Could Beat Ali" by Johnny Reyes

Ring Magazine Parade Of Champions - featuring: Muhammad Ali, Victor Galindez, Miguel Cuello, Carlos Monzon, Eddie Gazo, Eckhard Dagge, Carlos Palomino, Pipino Cuevas, Wilfred Benitez, Shengsak Muangsurin, Antonio Cervantes, Roberto Duran, Esteban DeJesus, Samuel Serrano, Alfredo Escalera, Alexis Arguello, Rafael Ortega, Danny "Little Red" Lopez, Alfonso Zamora, Carlos Zarate, Wilfredo Gomez, Miguel Canto, Guty Espadas, Luis Estaba, Yoko Gushiken

Alexis Arguello vs. Juan "Cocoa" Sanchez
Esteban DeJesus vs. Vincente Saldivar
Antonio Cervantes vs. Carlos Mario Giminez
Shengsak Muangsurin vs. Perico Fernandez
Samuel Serrano vs. Lionel Hernandez
Wilfredo Gomez vs. Raul Tirado
Wilfredo Benitez and Alexis Arguello stripped of WBA Titles

The Ring American Prospects 1977 - featuring: John Berry, Sammy Masias, Scotty Clark, Jimmy Corkum, Johnny Lira, Arcadio Suarez, Tony McMinn, Ozzie Ocasio, Bruce Curry, Howard Davis, Gary Guiden, Bob Hazelton, Bunk Kelly, Sugar Ray Leonard, Bruce Finch, Eddie Davis, Milton Owens, Billy Pearish, Aaron Pryor, Frankie Santore, Ernie Singletary, Leon Spinks, Michael Spinks, Tom Sullivan

Top British Prospects - featuring: Kirkland Laing, Eddie Burke, Cornelius Boza-Edwards

Australian Prospects - featuring: Neil Pattel, Billy Mulholland, Brian Roberts, Barry Michael, Steve Bell, Steve Butler, Barry Bell, Frank Ropis

Royal Kobayashi feature article
The History Of The Championship Belts by Sam Andre
Gene Tunney Turns 80
Pete Mead feature article
Boxing In The Bahamas with: Earnie Barr, Everett Sands, Marty Goldstein, Sammy Barr, Jim Malone
Maurice Toweel - South Africa's Head of Boxing
Leroy Haley feature article
Sam Silverman memorial article
Angelo Senito - "Boxing Buff" feature article
and much more

Size - About 96 pages.

Condition - About VG condition with general handling wear. Fold mark down middle of cover and light damp stain near top edge of cover as shown. Otherwise interiors are complete and clean. Binding is tight. Please enlarge scans or photos to see better detail.

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