June 1972 "World Boxing" Magazine - Floyd Patterson, Mike Quarry, Pedro Carrasco vs. Mando Ramos
Item Description
"World Boxing" Magazine
June 1972
Cover Subject:
Floyd Patterson, Mike Quarry, Pedro Carrasco vs. Mando Ramos
Some of the interior articles and subjects include:
"Willie Pep's Greatest Victory Wasn't Over Sandy Saddler"
Willy Gilzenberg - "50 Years In The Business and Still Going"
Pedro Carrasco and Mando Ramos will Fight Again.
The Strange and Sad Saga of Jimmy Dupree
The Life Story of Floyd Patterson
"Tricks Of The Trade"
Mike Quarry
and much more
SIZE - Standard Magazine size. 66 pages.
CONDITION - About EX/MT condition.
(Important Note - Only (1) of each item is available, unless otherwise mentioned in the description of each item listed.)
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